Check out Dynogee, a new project I'm working on.

A Friend Is Looking For A Summer Internship

This summer a friend of mine is visiting Berlin for around 6 weeks by end of June. I encouraged him to work somewhere to get an impression of working in technology companies during that time.

He is still quite young but eager to learn more than most other people I know. He's 17 from Krakow in Poland where he'll attend at AGH University of Science and Technology studying Computer Science by October next year. He speaks German on a nearly native level (he got into several final rounds of nationwide language contests) and also English. Beside that he also reached the maximum score at Mathematical Kangaroo and won several other math olympiades.

From a technical point of view he is mostly comfortable with Python and C++. He did not work a lot in any special area of software development so he might be unexperienced with the special limitations or technologies that are used in one area. He has some experience with web technologies (including Django) though.

If you'd like to get in touch and to get to know some great new talent just send me a short note and I will introduce you gladly.

@martinklepsch, May 2012