In order to write more I'm going to embark on a little project: publishing 100 pieces of writing. This is inspired by a bunch of Twitter strangers putting things like "(22/100 Youtube videos)" next to their display names and by Mike who has been blogging every day for the last 100+ days, producing a wonderful array of short but insightful articles.
Doing anything a hundred times should give me a good understanding of what I like or dislike about it. It'll also require that I keep an open eye for topics and themes to write about. Being a more attentive observer. Reviewing notes and bookmarks on the hunt for the next bit.
I've also observed that a lot of writing I enjoy has a certain conviction to it. Writers like Derek Sivers and Visakan come to mind. They share their ideas without much introduction or "proof", and yet a lot of their writing really resonates with me as being true to my subjective experience.
In the process of writing more regularly I will also write shorter posts, share more unfinished ideas, mid-flight thoughts and random ramblings. Part of this experiment is to get rid of the filter I've created for myself for posting on my main blog and just write more for the sake of writing — and sharing.
If there's things you'd like to see me write about, let me know!