Mostly clueless

but curious to find out


  1. Mar 6
    Claude, the librarian
  2. Feb 5
    One-Shot Babashka CLI Scripts
  3. Jan 15
    Converting a 700 Page PDF to Excel


  1. Dec 13
    Gatheround Got Acquired


  1. Aug 29
    Better ClojureScript Node REPL Defaults


  1. May 9
    Homoiconicity & Feature Flags
  2. Feb 25
    Clojure Macros: Creating vars from a map


  1. May 24
    Promises in a ClojureScript REPL
  2. May 16
    Improved Support for Foreign Libs in cljdoc
  3. May 10
    Static Blogging, Some Lessons Learned


  1. Sep 9
    Working with Firebase Documents in ClojureScript
  2. Jan 28
    4 Small Steps Towards Awesome Clojure Docstrings


  1. Jan 19
    Sustainable Open Source: Current Efforts


  1. Jun 4
    Maven Snapshots
  2. May 11
    Requiring Closure Namespaces
  3. Apr 16
    Simple Debouncing in ClojureScript
  4. Mar 25
    Making Remote Work


  1. Nov 25
    Just-in-Time Script Loading With React And ClojureScript
  2. May 19
    Props, Children & Component Lifecycle in Reagent


  1. Aug 11
    Parameterizing ClojureScript Builds
  2. Jul 24
    ClojureBridge Berlin
  3. Jun 3
    Managing Local and Project-wide Development Parameters in Leiningen
  4. Apr 10
    Formal Methods at Amazon
  5. Feb 5
    (lisp keymap)
  6. Jan 5
    CLJSJS - Use Javascript Libraries in Clojurescript With Ease


  1. Nov 6
    Why Boot is Relevant For The Clojure Ecosystem
  2. Oct 21
    S3-Beam — Direct Upload to S3 with Clojure & Clojurescript
  3. Sep 4
    Using core.async and Transducers to upload files from the browser to S3
  4. Jul 22
    Emacs & Vim
  5. Feb 7
    Early Adopters And Inverted Social Proof
  6. Feb 5
    Living Small


  1. Dec 5
    What do we need to know?
  2. Dec 3
    Sculley's Disease
  3. Apr 25
    Asynchronous Communication


  1. Dec 17
    Git Information in Fish Shell’s Prompt
  2. Aug 20
    When We Build Stuff
  3. Jun 28
    The Twelve Factor App
  4. May 21
    Paris And Back